Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tuesday's Top Ten PLUS Ten: 9 Truths and a Lie

This week BecKyle and I are going to tell you a bit about ourselves! I will post 9 truths and 1 lie..can you guess which is untruthful?!

1. There was a tornado after I was born. Little newborn Melany had to be toted to the basement of the hospital.

2. I have read the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling 5 times.

3. Cats are my favorite animal.

4. I got my drivers licence today!

5. When I was much younger, my dream profession was to be a ballerina. That changed into aspiring to become a doctor..then to the equally-as-reasonable wishing to become a famous singer. Thankfully I am in pursuit of none now. :)

6. I do not agree with the modern practice of "dating". Here's why.

7. I am a very passionate person. I'm usually either all in, or all out.

8. My name came from "Gone With the Wind", inspired by Melanie Wilkes. My mom loved the story as a girl and then married a man named Mel, so it doubles as a namesake for my dad as well!

9. I own 34 pairs of shoes.

10. Music is one of the biggest aspects in my life. I associate many events and emotions with it, it is one of my favorite forms of worship, and I sing so much, I wouldn't know what to do without it.

Don't forget to check out BecKyle's list! And stay tuned for next week, I will reveal which is the lie!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday's Top Ten PLUS Ten: Creative Costumes

I love Halloween! Not because of the spookiness or the candy, but simply because I get to dress up! Theatricality is delightful! I don't have the best history of costumes (you're looking at..or rather reading about the little girl who was a princess every year until she was 12...or maybe 13:)) but I do aspire to up my game as the years go by! Two years ago I was catwoman..
Last year I was Scarlet O'Hara (sadly I managed to forget a full body picture to capture my dress in all it's splendor)

Be sure to check out BecKyle's list as well!

1.Comic Strip Character
It would require talent in the makeup area, but is a simple idea! I think it's super fun!

2. Blessing in Disguise
How stinking punny. 

3. Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch
Yes. Just yes.

4. Assault and Battery
If you couldn't tell yet, I enjoy a good play on words.

5. Oh deer/dear or Holy Cow

Okay, so I'm a dork. But hey it's funny!

6. Reigning/ Raining Cats and Dogs

7. Peter Pan's Shadow

Is this clever, or is this clever?

8. Spelling Bee
I love this!

9. VHS

10. Paper Doll
How cute!

Don't forget to check out BecKyle's list! She is quite creative in this area! My favorite of her costumes that I've seen was this creative fairy! :)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Melany's Musical Mondays: Keep Making Me

Make me broken, so I can be healed.
Cause I'm so calloused, and now I can't feel.
I want to run to you, with heart wide open.
Make me broken.

Make me empty, so I can be filled.
Caused I'm still holding onto my will.
And I'm completed when you are with me.
Make me empty.

Till you are my one desire.
Till you are my one true love.
Till you are my breath, my everything
Lord please keep making me.

Make me lonely, so I can be Yours.
Till I want no one more than you Lord.
Cause in the darkness, I know you will hold me.
Make me lonely.

Till you are my one desire.
Till you are my one true love.
Till you are my breath, my everything
Lord please keep making me.

I would encourage you to watch this video. It is significant.

This song has struck a chord with me. I bought this album right when it came out (a few years ago) and loved it! But didn't immediately particularly care for this song. Sonic-ally it's great! But the lyrics didn't mean anything to me at the time. About a year-maybe a little more-ago, it gained significance. Note in the video when the man keeps trying and trying and trying, and just can't find what he wants. He is searching and working but with nothing to show for it. He tries doing things his own way and can't get it right.* Nothing seems to work out, even though he tries imitating others, impressing others, and changing himself. But finally he comes across this friend, who leads him to a room. (And at the end I believe he is leading someone else to that very room!)Something I had never noticed before today, was that the room has a little sign on it that says "Psalm 51". Judging by the fact that inside of the room he gets painted clean and has a new design (what a lovely image), I will assume that this is the section of Psalm 51 they were intending on. Psalm 51:7-12 "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that you have broken rejoice. Hide your face from my sins, and blot out my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not way from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit."

I would not say that this song is about salvation though. That does not make sense, or fit. Same thing goes for the video. If this were about salvation, the content would be different. I would say this is about a believer who is going through a rough spot, or one who is at the very beginning of their walk. Here's why. The whole song shouts the whole idea that God is present and working in trials. That He is and can be purposeful through everything. It's basically saying "Okay God, if that is what it takes, then so be it. I want more of you". The lyrics are a prayer to be made; broken, empty, and lonely, and/or to be brought through that state when unasked by growing closer to Him. Now who would ask for that? It answers itself in the chorus. Someone who wants Him to be their; one desire, true love, very breath, and everything. Your faith can not and will not grow if you never have a trial or testing. James 1:2-4 "Count it all joy, my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have it's full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." It is beautiful and full of truth because it's inevitable. You will go through hard times, and you will become worn. But God has a purpose for that, whether you see it immediately or it refers to your process of sanctification as a whole, you can bet that He is true to His word. I find this song as a reminder and a source of comfort, reminding me to not focus on myself through a difficult time, but to focus on the One who planned it and the One who will bring me through it. 

*If you watch carefully, around 1:00 on the video, when he tries painting himself and messes up, it is the lion at the end, only black and white and upside down! He got close, but no matter how close, he still couldn't do things himself. How beautiful.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday's Top Ten PLUS Ten: Fall Fashion Favorites!

Happy Tuesday! This week is all about fall! Oh how I love fall. So in honor of my favorite season, here are some outfits I enjoy wearing in the fall. (P.s. I will add what I paid for the entire outfit at each end, all inclusive- jeans and shoes and everything-to demonstrate how stinking awesome it is to shop at Plato's Closet

1. Sparkly tank, grey cardigan and distressed capris (plus an adorable little sister who helped me pick these out) Outfit total $22

 2. Lace collared tank top, grey sweater, bubble necklace, and tan boots. $31
 3. This one is probably my very favorite of them all. I just got this button up last friday, for $5 and it's quickly becoming a love of mine. It has two tones of little blue polka dots, paired with another well-used item of my dark brown riding boots. Outfit total, $32
 4. All time favorite cardigan, paired with a tribal printed tank top and brown boots $28
 5. My dress-length brown sweater, with an animal printed tank and boots (almost like I love boots or something) $37
 6. Super comfy and warm dress length sweater $24
 7. Tribal printed sweater and tan boots $26
 8. I love this sweatery-shirt, paired with a skirt and two long necklaces $16
 9. I love the colors in this! I would never put them together otherwise, but this artistic dress pulls them both together. I can't total this outfit because only the dress came from Plato's, the rest were gifts, buuut the dress was $8. Yep Plato's rocks.
10. And last but definitely not least...Hoodies! Hoodies are definitely a favorite fall outfit of mine! If I didn't love clothes like I do, hoodies would be what I wear 24/7 (and sometimes I do)

Thanks for reading! Now hop on over to BecKyle's list and check out hers! :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Melany's Musical Mondays: My Hunter

Oh my wicked feet that run
from the presence of your Son.
Like a dying thirsty man 
from a river spring

But love resounding in your voice
more powerful than choice
breaks the will I have to hate you
Overpowers me, you overpower me.

I have been pursued by the King that I betrayed
not for wrath but for mercy, not for death but for life.
He has caught my heel in a trap set long ago.
I am loved by my hunter, I am washed
and made well

Oh the pardon of a man 
with blood still on his hands
not a merit to his name
or worthy offering.
And what a savior I require,
but never would desire.
Hallelujah for a grace that would not counsel me
I could not disagree

Hallelujah grace has rescued me
and the death that held me now retreats
All the powers of darkness watch and groan
As my hunter brings me safely home.

I just adore this song. What a lovely representation of God's amazing grace and mercy! And the language is beautiful!! It is just oozing with good theology, Bible centered lyrics, and The Gospel! I love it! Have a wonderful Monday! :)