Monday, May 12, 2014

Melany's Musical Mondays: Our God Is In Control

Lately I have been searching for a solution to my blog. My problem is that I don't make time for myself to write unless I make it a priority, or hold myself accountable..obviously the solution is to do just that :) So I have decided to start a "Melany's Musical Mondays", so I force myself in a way to make time. Music is a big deal to me, and I have countless songs that I feel are worthy of mention, so it seemed fitting to choose a topic I am so passionate about. This week I will go over a song called "Our God is in Control". 

This is not how it should be,
This is not how it could be,
But this is how it is. 
And our God is in control.

This is not how it will be, 
When we finally will see
We'll see with our own eyes,
That He was always in control.

And we'll sing holy, holy, holy is our God
And we will finally, really understand what it means
And we'll sing holy, holy, holy is our God
While we're waiting for that day.

This is not where we planned to be,
when we started this journey.
But this is where we are.
And our God is in control.

Though this first taste is bitter,
there will be sweetness forever
When we finally taste and see, 
That our God is in control.

-"Our God is in Control" by Steven Curtis Chapman

This is not a fully complete account of the lyrics (I left out some repeated choruses and such) but you get the gist of it. Steven Curtis Chapman wrote this song for his album "Beauty Will Rise", a set of 12 songs he composed after his daughter Maria died. It is a fantastic album and I would recommend it to anyone. 

I chose this song because it's so raw. I am convinced it is relatable in some way, to anyone. "This is not how it should be" God listen, I know a better way, this one is wrong "this is not how it could be" I mean think about it, there's so many other possibilities... this really shouldn't be happening. Let me tell you how to change it. Ever have a conversation like that? Yeah I thought so. We try to bargain with God, or tell him how things really "should" be, instead of accepting his control and our utter powerlessness. Isaiah 45:7 "I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the LORD who does all these things"

When you finally let go of the idea that you know better than God does, or that you somehow can control things instead of is very freeing. Knowing that He has absolutely everything under control, even "calamity", is indescribably comforting...because guess what? God's got this. 

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