1. A Gospel Primer
Second to the Bible, this book is the most influential I have ever read.
2. The Hiding Place
I could not love this book more. Such an incredible story.
3. Mere Christianity
C.S. will always be a favorite of mine, and in this book he puts things into words that I would never have thought of. I learned much from reading this book.
4. Narnia Series
Ok so C.S. gets another spot in my Top Ten... I love love looooove the Chronicles of Narnia.
5. Heartless
For the same reason as the Narnia books, Heartless changed my life because of the wonderful illustrations and pictures it uses to depict Jesus. Love it.
6. I Kissed Dating Goodbye
I wrote a post on this book before here. Definitely changed my life and helped build the foundation for a belief I am very firm in.
7. Screwtape Letters
Read it. Really go and read this book. Bravo again C.S..
8. Pride and Predjudice.
If for no other reason, this book changed me by showing me a whole world of wonder. I gained an appreciation and love for many things after having read this.
9. Harry Potter Series
The books that started it all for me were these. I am a book worm because of a baby with a scar sitting on Privet Drive outside of a family's house who are perfectly normal thank you very much. Oh and here the waves of sentiment come...
10. The Great Gatsby.
Beautiful beautiful literature. The way this book changed my life was by breaking my heart. But I love it.
I LOVE your side note, how perfect.