Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday's Top Ten PLUS Ten: Bucket List!

Tuesday's Top Tens are officially resumed now that the summer has died down a bit! This week I will share the top of my bucket list, which is surprisingly not too extensive! So here it is! Hop on over to BecKyle's page and read hers as well!

(In no particular order)

1. Phantom of the Opera was the start of my longing to attend a masquerade, and it hasn't left since. I would probably die if I were in a giant room full of extravagantly and antiquely dressed dancers, not to mention the music.

2. I have always thought it would be fun to play a part in some kind of flash mob. Practicing and surprising people like that just sounds like a blast.

3. Being as obsessed as I am with fairytales, I would loooooove to visit Disneyland Paris, it is exquisite.

4. Speaking of Disneyland Paris, I could also "settle" for a castle. And seriously any castle. I want to roam free through rooms and rooms and rooms for days in an old castle.

5. Which leads me to the fact that I also would highly enjoy being in Ireland or Scotland, that's been a dream of mine for a while. Gorgeous land and accents would make the trip worth remembering, not to mention the history behind everything!

6. Marriage is also a part of my bucket list. You should marry your best friend and that's exactly what I want to do.

7. As much as it may terrify me, I would like to ride in a hot air balloon and gaze at the ground below.

8. The Northern Lights have always been so very beautiful and breathtaking to me, I would love to see them in person some day!

9. Being the musical buff that I am, going to a Broadway performance in NYC would be a dream come true, that is definitely a part of my bucket list.

10. And last but not least, I want to go on a mission trip to another continent someday. I have heard from so many who have gone on mission trips far away like that, and there are many choices. I would love to travel while serving and spreading the Gospel.

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