Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Problem With New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year! I love when it comes along! Celebrations and new starts all while in the midst of Christmas break; leaving you refreshed and motivated! But I have a bone to pick with 99% of New Years Resolutions.
Any of these look familiar? Of course they do! Everyone and their dog makes some sort of self-bettering new years resolution. Everyone also knows that most don't last. The reason they don't last? I think there are many possibilities for that-but there is a reason why I consider them negative.

There is one thing that all of the above resolutions, and the rest of the most popular ones have in common. Any idea what that is?... They are all for yourself. Every last one of those is something that will take focus, dedication, and constant practice to do. So if you plan to actually succeed at those goals, they will take all of that effort towards yourself.

Before I go on, I will clarify that I am not against doing any of the above resolutions. Being healthy, responsible, and intentional are all wonderful things! And there is always something you can and should be working on..but my point lies in the amount of your effort towards those things.

Instead of putting everything you are into that juice cleanse, or being at the gym every day..why not put that kind of practice and exertion on something more valuable. Instead of trying to perfect something that will perish, why not work towards something eternal?

So here is my New Years Resolution.
Know Christ and Make Him Known by artjective

And truly, that should be my life's mission. I want to focus on Jesus, and all that entails. Things such as reading through my Bible again, working harder on studying techniques, are included in the "Know Him" portion. But the "Make Him known" half of it can be everything from A-Z on imitating Jesus. Whether that will be smiling at that random person, or spreading the Gospel. So with that said-and now publicly committed to-I challenge you to do the same. Spend this year focusing on Jesus more than you focus on that diet. :) Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true!! Thanks for sharing.
