Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday's Top Ten PLUS Ten: Toys I'll Never Give Up

Happy Tuesday! This week's topic is for those who are a child at heart-myself included. I love playing with the little ones, and there are endless possibilities. Here are some of my personal favorites, and things that I will have for my own children.

The first two are things that I still own from when I was younger, that carry sentimental value.

1. I have a handmade wooden baby cradle given to me by an old family friend. Which would fall under the category of playing house. That was definitely my favorite childhood past time.

2. Books books and more books. I know the topic isn't books but I will never give up stacks of books-and I would count that as play! Playing of the imagination at least :) My personal favorite childhood book would probably be this one.

3. Crayons and coloring books are not just for kids! I'm always coloring with the kids, and sometimes even in my own free time when I want to relax. There's something hypnotic and calming about it. And it is very helpful developmentally for children.

4. As a girl who believed she was actually a princess for several years of her younger life, dress up is a given. I still today would love to imitate my sister when she plays dress up. She opens her trunk, and just tosses dresses behind her carelessly as would be done in a montage from a movie. What little kids doesn't like to imitate their favorite character? 

5. Playing kitchen or restaurant is another big one. There are ways you can DIY your own amazing play kitchen (my oldest sister's children have one), and you can buy very simple small ones. Either way, cooking in play is so much fun! Especially with all of the fun new ways companies make play food-the possibilities are endless!

6. Living outside of town with a giant backyard definitely gave me a desire to play. And one of my favorite things to do was find bugs! I'm not one for creepy crawlies, but there were always plenty of butterflies, rollie pollies, and grasshoppers if you were fast enough! Bug catchers were my friend for a while. 

7. Board games aren't only grouped as children's toys, I know, but classic games like Candy Land and Operation are just too much fun!

8. For Christmas my little sister received a puppet stage. It hasn't become the favorite toy around yet, but I know in time with some more age and imagination it definitely will. I think the idea of playing puppets at home is just fantastic.

9. Who doesn't love to create with playdough? Earlier this year I even found a recipe for play dough that looks and smells like cookie dough, and the girls used it in their play kitchen to make cookies! While there are a hundred recipes for home made play dough in all colors and scents, you can't deny the softness that comes only from store bought PlayDough brand. 

10. Lastly I would like to mention busyboxes (or at least that's what we call them in my house). "Busybox" is a general term for a wide variety of contained small motor activities. You make them yourself, out of common household items, and they serve as an occupant and learning experience for children. The beauty of them is that they can be adjusted personally for your own child, are inexpensive, and give busy mommas a break. 

Thanks for reading! Make sure you pop on over to BecKyle's list now! Have a great day! :) 

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