Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday's Top Ten PLUS Ten: Things I Don't Want To Forget

1. These books

If you've never heard of this, just buy it.

(Not because I agree with this one 100%-although it is packed with truth-but because it shifted my thinking, and positively affected a big part of my life and future)

2. These songs
"My Hunter"

"The Power of The Cross"

"Sovereign Over Us"

"Our God is in Control"

"Keep Making Me"

3. I can never pray too much.

4. Christ Alone. And simply that. Which brings me to a lovely reminder (Thanks Becky) Here's a fantastic post of hers on that topic.
Because as she puts so well "Who should I see when I look in a mirror? Christ alone."

5. Days like this with the "littles" in my life, because they are already growing so fast!

6. Moments like this in my own life...because I won't be young forever.

7. Quotes like this, in a society that isn't supportive.

8. It's OK to stop and smell the Roses...or "weeds" :)
9. To abide in His Word

10. Aaaaand to always be thankful. I mean always. I am blessed in kajillions :) of ways!

Now hop on over to BecKyle's list, and thanks for reading! 

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