Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Homeschooling is the best....for us

A little over a year ago, I made a big and unexpected decision. Late one night, insomnia at play, I had an overwhelming urge to switch to homeschooling. So being the list maker that I am, I soon had a list of the pros and cons that would come with going through with this. Now before I continue, you should know that I was not running away from anything. I was not being bullied. I was not dealing with anything except an extreme dislike for the building I spent hours of my life in every day.

The high school I was attending (during my freshman year) was a building I did not like for a few reasons. One of them being how secular a high school is. You cannot turn a corner there without hearing 15 curse words and the latest gossip, that was quite bothering to me. Another reason being, it robbed me of precious time. I did not get to spend much time with my family at all, and though I'd gone to public school for my entire life until then, it was starting to become painful, literally. I remember specifically one day after lunch, my mom, baby sister, and I had gone out to eat. As we pulled back up to the school I felt a sinking feeling in my chest, and when I had to tell my confused sister that I was leaving again (and that I wouldn't if I had the choice) there was a very heavy and sharp pain in my chest. I dreaded going back. I longed to be with my family and out of that uncomfortable place.

All my years prior in public school, I didn't necessarily dislike it. Of course everybody has years that are overall better than others, but up until then, the past few for me were not bad. I actually had some incredible teachers, wonderful friends, and great extracurricular experiences. Junior High was better for me than most people say it was for them. I did a lot of growing, and though it just simply wasn't in God's plan for our lives, I don't think I would've wanted to home school at that time anyways. I also had grown significantly in my spiritual life the summer prior to high school, and I believe that is a large part of why my school experience changed so much for me.

One thing you should know about me is when I make up my mind, I have made up my mind. I am a very passionate, dedicated, and competitive person, which can be a blessing and a hindrance. In this instance, I am very thankful for that quality of myself, because I don't know if my parents would have been convinced to go through with it were it not for my persistency.

The morning after my sleepless night (as described above) I brought my list and ideas to my mom. I can tell you she was definitely surprised, and did not seem too sure about the idea. She went to my dad, and we all started praying about the matter, diligently. When I had them convinced that I wasn't running from any problems, they started to be ok with my idea. I do not know for sure when they changed their minds, but I am certainly glad they did :)

My closest friends are a home-schooled family, and had been for almost their entire education. So I had some encouraging help, and thankfully some adult friends of my parents that were on my side too :) At that point in time, many things started looking up. My parents were only at the hindrance of finances. The school curriculum we wanted to use (the same as my friends) and the cost of 3 laptops, was not something we could just drop everything and buy...and it was all necessary for us to start. More consistent prayer and big answers to those prayers, provided us with those things around the end of October. We could finally begin our homeschooling adventures! :) My younger brother had also decided to join me in the decision, so all of us were together beginning a totally new experience.

Having fully completed one year, and currently working on my second, I can tell you it has been a wonderful thing for my family. I get to actually see them, spend time with them, and be a part of the little everyday joys. For instance, having the ability to sit with my little sister and do school while she reads and colors...or to  watch an episode of Doctor Who with my brother over lunch. Small things like that, would have been totally out of the question if I were still in public schooling.

Now regarding my title...I have one statement to make. Yes, I am very "Pro-homeschooling" (and will homeschool my own children, Lord willing) but I recognize that it is definitely not for everyone. I am not against the public school system, I recognize it can do wonders. And I understand that school at home is not right for everyone, and not even an option for some. It is what fits my family best, and meets our needs. It has many upsides, but is not always the right fit for a family, and can definitely have downsides. We are just an example of one way it does work.

I am thankful every day for the ability to stay in my pajamas if I please, have a calm breakfast with my mother and sister, and get all of my schoolwork done, all without stepping outside my house, I love it :) So yes, I would certainly say that homeschooling is the best...for us :)

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