Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How to Get Out of a Funk

Lately I've been in a funk. Even with writing in this very blog. Things have started to feel mundane, as if just talking about the contents of the week-and sometimes even day to come is exhausting. Even with unpredictable events and random-filled days, I just seemed to need a breather, or some sort of refresher. We've always had "mental health" days at my house...which basically means sometimes you just need to stay in your pajamas and do nothing, as opposed to leaving for school or whatever else the day consists of. Buuuut since we are now homeschoolers and keep my nieces and nephew during the day, many of the dynamics have changed. We rarely have that opportunity, and it seems when we do, there are other things needing to be done. So how does one get over a feeling of pure exhaustion, almost to the extent of apathy, and just a downright funk?

I was convinced that I needed summer. I mean just the thought of that beautiful season makes me excited! Sun and water and shorts and flip flops. Just my cup of tea... and not to mention camp! So I figured that to solve this I would just need to get some sunshine and a change of scenery. While that could have probably helped, that wouldn't have solved anything. The answer was staring me in the face...and the way to it is sitting next to me at this current moment.

The solution to my issue was one thing, and one thing only...The Gospel!

I don't mean to say that I had not heard it before. And I don't mean to sound like I'm giving the "Sunday school answer" of "Jesus!". What I mean to say is, I needed (and constantly need) is to be reminded of what I live to do. I need to be continually treating the Gospel as it is of first importance, like it says in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 "For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures" I had lost sight of that, and that is a dangerous thing to loose sight of.

There's a book called A Gospel Primer written by Milton Vincent. I am going to refrain from going into detail about it right now, because I would get too far off topic... but long story short, it is a short book, of about 100 pages (don't be deceived, it is so rich and will lead you to much prayer and Bible time, that it is definitely not a quick read) that describes why you should rehearse the Gospel to yourself daily. Definitely worth a read. I actively spend time in this book almost every day. For more information on it Here's a link to a post of BecKyle's on the same topic. If in doubt, just buy it, you won't regret the decision one bit.

In reminding me of what I live to do, it also made me think of this quote (which is in the front of the book, but not from the author himself). It says "If there's anything in life we should be passionate about, it's the gospel. And I don't mean passionate only about sharing it with others. I mean passionate about thinking about it, dwelling on it, rejoicing in it, allowing it to color the way we look at the world. Only one thing can be of first importance to each of us. And the gospel ought to be." C.J. Mahaney, from The Cross Centered Life. Being in a "funk" if you will, was because I was not living with a Gospel-minded attitude. I had become so busy and distracted that even while I kept up daily devotions, it wasn't what I needed to be focused on. I needed to be firmly planted in the truth that the Gospel brings, and practicing it in a disciplined manner, lest I forget that again.

Knowing me, it'll happen and I will find myself in another funk again, but that's the beauty of God's patience! He so graciously granted me the understanding to escape that (much alike many things he undeservedly grants to me) and now I  have a deeper understanding and remembrance of why I should be revolving my entire life around the Gospel. It's almost like He orchestrated this for a purpose...funny. (Just as a side note, He did :) )

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