Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesday's Top Ten PLUS Ten: Reasons Why Christians Are Jesus Freaks

In my Youth Group we call ourselves the "E-Freaks", and that's all because of this Jesus guy. :) He makes us (and other Christians) get so excited and fired up that we can certainly seem "freaky" at times. People even go to their death for Him. Ever wondered why? What's the deal with us? (and more importantly) What's the deal with Him? Well that's what I am here to tell you. BecKyle wrote a list of ten reasons as well, be sure to check it out! 

1. Close your eyes and think of the worst thing you can imagine. Got that image? Now multiply it by a billion, to the point of something incomprehensible. That's where we are all doomed to go, and it's called "Hell". There's also this other place. Close your eyes again and picture the best thing you could ever dream of. Now add in wonders you've never seen before, and things you cannot comprehend. It's called "Heaven". These places are very real, and should be taken very seriously. So for someone (which is all of us, Romans 3:23) who is headed to Hell, to be so undeservedly and wonderfully saved from that, would be pretty awesome right?!? Let me tell you, it is!  That is the Number One reason, that all other reasons revolve around, to why we are Jesus Freaks. (for more information on that topic, click here or here

2. He makes it simple. Romans 10:9 "Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" He knew that he was coming to an Earth full of D.R.F.S.S.S. (Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Stupid Sinners...emphasis on the stupid for this one) and being as kind and loving as He is...he made it simple! We don't have to work our tails off, be eloquent, or even intelligent! 

3. No condemnation. Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." You mean that I"m forgiven, completely?!? It's all washed away just like that? Yes, yes I do. Does that not get you even a little bit excited? Cause it does for me!  

4. As a result of the above processes, He changes people. Just look at Paul for example. You know that guy who wrote most of the New Testament? Yeah he persecuted Christians. He would sit awake at night thinking of ways to kill them. Does that sound like the Paul who wrote all of those books? Well it is, and that's all thanks to God's merciful grace, and ability to transform lives. I know this first hand. Jesus has changed me, and to all of us that he has changed..it's exciting!

5. He brings rest. Nothing, and that really means nothing, is more peaceful than Jesus. To rest in Him is an indescribably large blessing, I can hardly explain it. Things of the world don't matter to someone who is firmly rooted in the Gospel truth, because their hope is in Jesus. 

6. Everything we understand has a fixed beginning and a fixed end. Us humans have always been stuck in time, we cannot fully grasp the concept of infinity. But to know Jesus is everlasting... wow. His kingdom will never pass away, He isn't going to fade or perish...and all who believe in Him get to be a part of that! If you are saved, you get the amazing privilege of being with Him forever, and that forever has no end! What an abstract, yet amazing thought. 

7.We all probably know someone who is searching. The kind of searching that entails looking for satisfaction...whether that be in food, money, alcohol, drugs, bodily pleasures, etc. . Seeking satisfaction in worldly things simply ends in more searching. There is no way to find complete satisfaction than in Jesus Christ. It is just relaxing to finally have found what you were looking for all along. And one who has experienced that satisfaction can tell you, it's incredible.

8. Perfection is unattainable to humans. The law shows us that. If you've ever committed just one little sin, you are stained and fall short of the glory of God. But Jesus was perfect. The only human to ever be, because while he was 100% God, he was also 100% man. He was tempted just the same as you and I, yet He never once gave in to that. He was and is perfect. That perfection means things such as his inability to fail. He keeps all his promises, and fulfills His word. 

9. His love is so great, that we cannot fully understand it. But we can take it as example and try to emulate it. His great love is a huuuuuuge reason why I am a Jesus Freak. 

10. Everything points back to Him! The whole of existence has something to do with Jesus. There's a joke about "the Sunday School answer", it's just when little kids will assume "Jesus!" is the answer to every question that you ask...but in a way it's even more funny, because He kind of is. It's really all about Jesus

Also here's your awesome song for the day :) 

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