Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 10: A Christmas Past

I feel extremely sentimental looking at this picture. It is from Christmas 2008. I don't remember everything about this year, because I was just 9 that Christmas, but I remember bits and pieces.

The day we took this picture was hectic. Joe and Mom went to a movie together, "The Polar Express", it was his first movie in theaters. When they got back we were going to take the picture. I remember frantically trying to find my lip gloss before we had to get situated, and I remember Mom having difficulty doing Gracie's hair. I remember losing what I felt was all my teeth and hating the pictures. I also remember this being the last Christmas I had on earth with my baby sister.

This picture wasn't taken on Christmas Day, but on Christmas Day of this year I recall a few other things. That year we got quite a bit of snow. It wasn't very bad when we were driving up to Scottsbluff for family dinner, but greatly increased while we were there. We left my Aunt and Uncle's house early due to the storm. Gracie's car seat was in the last row, on the middle seat. I do not remember who sat on the other side of her, but I was on one. The snow got heavier and heavier the closer we got to home, and I remember holding Gracie's hand, while she slept peacefully. I was briefly scared, but then reassured when I thought of how experienced and talented my Daddy is at driving. Having a seasoned truck driver guiding our car through the storm, I wasn't worried for long. I remember bundling everybody up to get inside the house, and being happily relieved to arrive home.

That is where my memories of the year end. Of course I remember more about Christmases in general, but the years in my childhood are somewhat blurred together. And although I am not being visited by 3 ghosts, there's my story of a Christmas past.

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