Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 9: Why I Won't Have Santa in My Home

Yes, I am only 15..and it's absolutely true that I have years before I will be implementing this (Lord willing)...but I have a very strong opinion about it, even now. I will not have Santa Clause in my home. My children will not believe in him, and he will not be "bringing them presents". I have 5 main reasons why. The first one is...

1. Santa is NOT omniscient
"He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows if you're awake...he knows when you've been bad or good..." Are you serious? I used to sing this song all the time as a child, and now, it just makes me angry. Nobody can look at that and honestly say that it doesn't scream omniscience. GOD, and only God, is omniscient. No ifs, ands, or buts. Why would I willingly teach my children such awful theology? That is 100% wrong, Santa does not watch over you. 

2. Where is the Focus?
I grew up believing in Santa Clause. Yes, I do have fond memories of the excitement and magic that came with Christmastime, but it was all about one thing. You guessed it... presents. Gifts should be far from your first focus on Christmas, and throughout the whole knowing exactly where it will place priorities, it would be completely contradicting. If I were trying to teach my children why we celebrate Christmas, and what it is really about...why would I do that? It is so backwards. 

3. Why lie?
This one puzzles me. I can understand that it's traditional, and an attempt to make Christmas magical...and I'm not necessarily saying that parents who implement Santa are wrong. But when you're teaching children to obey God, truth telling is a part of makes no sense to lie to them, while teaching them to tell the truth. I have seen children hold that over parents' heads (which is not right, and ridiculous. I'm not supporting that act of disrespect) but what do you expect them to think when you've willingly been a hypocrite? I want to avoid that at all costs. I don't care how often I hear that "its not really lying if it's for them" or "what's a little white lie when it brings joy?"...lying is lying. There's no reason that you can't explain to them (like my mom has said before) "Santa Clause was a nice man, long ago, who gave presents to children who didn't have any...but we are thankful to have the means to provide gifts for you." Christmas can be just as magical and exciting, without a certain person being the giver of gifts...because once again, that just destroys the focus.

4. How Easily it Can Become a Discipline Resort
I'm not a parent, but I can say with confidence, that if I decided to implement Santa in my home, even if it were just once in a could, to my fault, become a resort with discipline. I don't want to give myself that ability, especially because I so passionately disagree with him "watching over you". If you are trying to get them to behave by reminding them that "Santa can see you" or "remember the naughty and nice list"...that's using something mythical for discipline, and I will not do that. 

5."Santa Clause" brings earthly gifts, but JESUS brings an eternal gift
The beloved and popular gift giver around Christmas time, is not who it should be. Instead of the attention being rightfully given, it goes to a fictional character that turns into an idol this time of year. That drives me nuts. We celebrate Christmas because the beautiful Savior came to earth in the most humble way, the King of Kings brought salvation, the Lord God sent His Son to die, all for His plan of redemption. Santa is not in that picture. Sure, I enjoy things like "The Santa Clause" movies with Tim Allen, and most other popular Christmas movies, but that is NOT what this time of year is about. The attention is due somewhere far from there. I am definitely guilty of not having proper priorities on Christmas, who isn't? As humans it's impossible to always have those where they belong..but it's important to try, and try hard. I don't want to purposefully hinder my own, and my children's focus and priorities. I will teach them of the one who brings eternal life, not toy trains. 

Hopefully none of this sounded condescending or harsh. I am not calling out parents who use Santa, that's not even my place. I just feel very strongly and passionately on Jesus Christ being the center of Christmas, because that is how it should be. 

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