Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 12: What Christmas is Really About

Starting a few days ago, I have been teaching Faith about THE Christmas story. I've really enjoyed doing it, because it's so exciting to see her learning and understanding. She has blown me away with everything that she has retained, Faith is just a sponge. She can tell you the parents of baby Jesus, why He came to earth ("for His plan of demption" redemption :)), and most other facts of the story...quite impressive for a two year old. Today, in the midst of all the presents and attention she was given, she took me by surprise again.

Most little kids, especially ones who are experiencing the first Christmas they'll understand and remember, are going to be focused on all of the things going on, and forgetting almost anything else. But in a rare quiet moment, I asked her if she could tell me what Christmas was really about, and she answered "BABY JESUS IS BORN!". It amazes me how she could keep that focus. Now of course, for the most part these are all facts to her, she doesn't fully understand, but she knows, and gets excited while talking about it. She makes me so proud, and in some ways, I strive to be like her. It is so easy to get caught up in the busy hustle and bustle all Christmas season, especially Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but my little sister (of all people :)) is such a wonderful reminder to me to keep my mindset where it belongs. There were definitely times I needed that.

Remembering the true "reason for the season" as they say, really changes everything. It takes Christmas from a possibly selfish or unpleasant holiday, and turns it into a celebration about the humble birth of the Jesus Christ, with whom comes redemption of sins. Truly an incredible thing, just by changing your focus. So I am  very thankful for a little (literally) reminder of where I need to keep my heart set this year! And that concludes my 12 days of Christmas series!

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